
Elementary Linear algebra

Chapter 1.9

Exercise 5

Step 1

Step 2

. Hence there is a voltage drop of E=-2I_2 V. Then we go from right to left across the bottom of the left loop and we encounter the 6 V battery \textit{going from the positive to negative terminal}. Hence there is a voltage drop of -6 V. And finally we come back up the left side and encounter the final 2\ \Omega resistor. This time we're going \textit{in the opposite direction as the current} and hence there is a voltage rise of E=2I_1 V. Thus, by summing all of the voltage drops and rises we obtain the equation

-2I_2 - 6+2I_1 = 0

Using exactly the same procedure on the right loop we experience a voltage drop of -8 V across the battery, then a voltage rise of 4I_3 V across the right resistor and a voltage rise of 2I_2 V across the left resistor. So we obtain the equation

-8 + 4I_3 + 2I_2 = 0

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6


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