Crude Oil Of Specific Gravity 0.85 Flows Upwards At A Volume Rate Of Flow Of 60 Lit/S Through A Vertical Venturimeter With An Inlet Diameter Of 200 Mm And A Throat Diameter Of 100 Mm. The Co-Efficient Of Discharge Of The Venturimeter Is 0.98. The Vertical Distance Between The Pressure Tappings Is 300 Mm.


Crude Oil Of Specific Gravity 0.85 Flows Upwards At A Volume Rate Of Flow Of 60 Lit/S Through A Vertical Venturimeter With An Inlet Diameter Of 200 Mm And A Throat Diameter Of 100 Mm. The Co-Efficient Of Discharge Of The Venturimeter Is 0.98. The Vertical Distance Between The Pressure Tapings Is 300 Mm.

 (I) if two pressure gauges are connected at the tapings such that they are positioned at the levels of their corresponding tapping points, Determine the difference reading in N/mm^2 of the two pressure gauge.

(II) if a mercury differential manometer is connected, in place of pressure gauges, to the tapings such that the connecting tube up to mercury are filled with oil, determine the difference in the level of the mercury column. 

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